Conservation Led Development
Habitats Regulations Assessment, Marine Conservation Zone, and European Protected Species
GoBe provide expertise on the assessment of development projects in relation to nature conservation legislation, particularly the Habitats Regulations (in relation to Natura 2000 sites), but also the Wildlife and Countryside Act (SSSIs) and the Marine and Coastal Access Act (Marine Conservation Zones(MCZ)), as well other designated sites.
Our teams prepare Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA) for a range of development activities and relating to a variety of Natura 2000 sites and features, undertaking HRA screening and preparing HRA reports assessing likely significant effects and adverse effects to accompany consent applications under a variety of legislative regimes.
We also prepare HRA reports to accompany plan level proposals and strategic assessments.
Our experts prepared the UK’s first MCZ assessment and we continue to provide MCZ assessments in support of consent applications across a range of marine development sectors.