Offshore Wind Research Coordinating Framework (OWRCF) – The Crown Estate
The Crown Estate commissioned GoBe Consultants Ltd and Anne Westwood Consulting Ltd to conduct a feasibility study on the development of an offshore wind research coordinating framework, for the coordination and integration of offshore wind research and project-level post-consent monitoring.
The Crown Estate aims to develop of a mechanism that allows more centralised coordination of research and monitoring to provide a single resource where completed work can be compiled, coordinate efforts for future monitoring and research and to synergise effort and reduce duplication of work.
The key objectives of the study were to:
- Understand the current barriers to a more pro-active, strategic and joined-up approach to addressing key offshore wind environmental consent risks;
- Identify key elements of a potential framework to facilitate a more coordinated effort, at different levels e.g. policy-led initiatives down to individual offshore wind development post-consent monitoring;
- Identify the key players needed to implement and deliver the framework, including mapping their various roles/research needs and drivers;
- Consult and gather information from industry, regulators and stakeholders on current barriers to a coordinated approach, role/remit/resource constraints, and other key considerations;
- Produce an outline proposed framework for coordination which can be used for TCE-led external engagement with industry and stakeholders;
- Identify key requisites for the establishment and longer-term maintenance of the framework, i.e. ‘owners’ of the framework and resource requirements;
- Provide recommendations on how some of the barriers to establishing such a framework can be removed.
GoBe conducted telephone interviews with key stakeholders and organised and managed a workshop to collect information. The final report of the findings has been submitted to the Crown Estate to inform future research priorities.