Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm
Innogy Renewables UK Ltd are developing the 90 turbine Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm which is located 20 miles east of the coast of Lincolnshire. The generating capacity of the project is 900 MW.
The Triton Knoll array was granted a Development Consent Order (DCO) in July 2013 whilst the Triton Knoll electrical system was subject to a separate application and was granted a DCO in September 2016. Construction commenced in the summer of 2018.
As strategic and technical environmental advisors since 2004, GoBe has provided support to the Triton Knoll project throughout all phases of the project, including:
- Site appraisal, constraints and feasibility studies (Offshore and Onshore);
- Project management and preparation of the Application and Environmental Impact assessment;
- Management and drafting of the Environmental Statement (ES), with a specific focus on the benthic ecology, fish ecology and physical process chapters;
- Responsibility for specifying, negotiating and managing environmental baseline surveys (including geophysical surveys, benthic surveys, and fish larva and egg surveys;
- Strategic development of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) consent and DCO applications;
- Support and advice during the Public Examination, including:
- Management and production of Statements of Common Ground;
- Input into the drafting of the DCO and deemed Marine Licence;
- Support to the developer in hearings (including as expert witness on technical matters related to the Environmental Impact Assessment);
- Management of stakeholder negotiations on a range of environmental and commercial issues; and
- Preparation of responses to written representations and examination questions.
In preparing the Triton Knoll Electrical System application GoBe provided the following key services:
- Support and technical advice during the scoping phase;
- Development and implementation of a Evidence Plan including attending the steering group meetings as well as liaising with a number of the technical stakeholder groups;
- Project management and preparation of the Environmental Statement (ES);
- Management, production and compilation of other associated application documents (including input into the drafting of the DCO and the consultation report);
- Provision of general advice on the consenting strategy (including drafting of the DCO and deemed Marine Licence); and
- Drafting the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) report;
- Provision of provided advice during the examination period, including, managing the offshore aspects of the project, supporting in the preparation of Statements of Common Ground and written responses to examination questions, managing stakeholder negotiations, and providing general hearing support.
GoBe continue to work on Triton Knoll providing Innogy with post consent compliance support. For this role GoBe are responsible for producing consent plans, complying with and gaining discharge of DCO and Marine Licence conditions and have assisted in developing UXO clearance strategies and additional marine licensing where required.