Viking Link Interconnector: Unexploded Ordnance
The Viking Link project is a proposed high voltage electricity link between Britain and Denmark. The Project involves the installation of submarine cables and clearance of unexploded ordnance (UXO) is required along the cable route before the cables can be installed.
GoBe were contracted by National Grid to provide specialist technical input to the Marine Licence application focusing on the effects of potential UXO detonation on marine mammals. Key services included the following:
- Stakeholder consultation and development of a strategy to address concerns raised on the potential effects of marine mammals from UXO detonation;
- Development of a likely worst case scenario in terms of potential number of UXO identified based on GoBe’s experience in the central North Sea;
- Provide an assessment of the potential effects on marine mammals resulting from UXO clearance activities;
- Develop an outline Marine Mammal Mitigation Plan;
- Production of a Report to Inform an Appropriate Assessment (RIAA) taking into account the potential for likely significant effect and consideration of the potential for an adverse effect on the integrity of harbour porpoise as a qualifying feature of the Southern North Sea SAC.
The Viking Link successfully received a Marine Licence in October 2018 and GoBe have since been assisting the National Grid with discharge of the licence conditions.